As we celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the 19th Amendment, opportunity is afforded us to reflect not only on the significance of the ratification itself, but also on how the 19th Amendment acted as a catalyst for women’s equal integration in all aspects of society.
Chapman Law Review has dedicated its live symposium and Spring 2020 law review issue to this noteworthy topic. The live symposium will have a ternary focus: history of the suffrage movement, challenges to voting rights, and the current state of gender equality.
9:15 a.m.: Check-in and breakfast
9:45 a.m.: Opening remarks
10 a.m.: Panel 1 - History of the Suffrage Movement
This panel will focus on the origins of the suffrage movement, the key components of its progression, some obstacles overcome along the way, and the immediate impacts felt after ratification.
- Dr. Susan Goodier, lecturer of history, SUNY Oneonta
- Dr. Kate Clarke Lemay, historian, Smithsonian Institute's National Portrait Gallery
These panelists collaborated on a book, Votes for Women: An American Awakening, which was published earlier this year.
11:30 a.m.: Lunch
12 p.m.: Keynote address by Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner, U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Georgia
1:15 p.m.: Panel 2 - Challenges to Voting Rights
This panel continues the story from the days following the passage of the 19th Amendment through to present day, and expands the scope of examination to voting rights for all people, not just women.
- Steven J. Mulroy, professor, University of Memphis Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law
- Dr. Jean Schroedel, professor of political science, Claremont Graduate University
- Daniel Tokaji, associate dean for faculty, Ohio State University Moritz College of Law
3 p.m.: Panel 3 - Current State of Gender Equality
This panel will look at some of the issues that parallel the women's suffrage movement of the past by addressing topics where gender inequalities persist today and discussing possible steps we can take for a better future.
- Leigh Creighton Bond, Feminist Women's Health Center
- Dr. Lori Cox Han, political science professor, Chapman University
- Jane Stoever, director, UCI Domestic Violence Clinic
- Monika Taliaferro, attorney, District of Columbia
4:30 p.m.: Closing remarks
4:45 p.m.: En Banc (Kennedy Hall Lobby)