Learning at Chapman

MA War, Diplomacy, and Society

Learning at Chapman

MA War, Diplomacy, and Society

ยป MA War, Diplomacy, and Society Learning Outcomes

  1. Globalization: Students will demonstrate expertise in collecting and evaluating primary and secondary transnational sources using appropriate war and society methodologies.
  2. Student Writing: Students will demonstrate the ability to formulate an original historical argument in thesis-driven academic essays (including a masters’ thesis), apply appropriate methods of citation, and use a clear writing style that conveys historical knowledge, ideas and evidence in a mature, readily understood manner.
  3. Faculty-Student Research: Students will prepare and revise a masters’ thesis in consultation with a faculty mentor which they will present at a formally organized history conference and submit for research grants and publication.
  4. Personalized Education: Students will develop a critical stance in relation to historical arguments and methodologies and formulate an original historical argument supported by primary and secondary sources.
  5. Interdisciplinarity: Students will utilize interdisciplinary approaches to analyzing historical materials.