Learning at Chapman

MFA The Showrunner Program

Learning at Chapman

MFA The Showrunner Program

ยป MFA The Showrunner Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Storytelling Skills: Students will demonstrate mastery of narrative television storytelling skills including construction of an original, clear, and cogent central dramatic concept, employment of effective dramatic structure, and creation of authentic characters vividly drawn through their dialogue and action.
  2. Producing and Leadership Skills: Students will demonstrate mastery of producing and leadership skills including effective oral and written communication, strong ability to organize and prioritize tasks, and collaborative skills.
  3. Television Market and Business Analysis: Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze current TV market conditions and business models and then evaluate the marketability and viability of their skills and creative work within the available markets.
  4. Ability to Work Under Professional Standards and Conditions: Students will experience close, mentoring relationships with faculty delivered via coursework in and out of the classroom. This personalized learning experience will help enable students to demonstrate their ability to work in a professional, collaborative environment appropriate to narrative television.