Dr. Stephanie Takaragawa

Dr. Stephanie Takaragawa

Associate Professor, Associate Dean for Academic Programs
Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences; Department of Sociology
Expertise: Cultural Anthropology; Asian American; Japanese Internment; Visual Culture;
Office Location: Roosevelt Hall 108
Office Hours: M 10:00-11:00 T 1:00-2:00 *or by appointment or zoom
Phone: 714-532-7771
Scholarly Works:
Digital Commons
University of Southern California, Bachelor of Arts
Temple University, Master of Arts
Temple University, Ph.D.

Video Profile


Stephanie Takaragawa is a cultural anthropologist whose research examines visual and material culture.  Her research broadly focuses on media, art, performance, exhibition, and theme parks and their relationship to racial representation. Much of her work specifically looks at the Japanese-American incarceration during WWII and how that is understood, represented and memorialized in the present. Her teaching areas include cultural anthropology and visual culture, Asian American studies and race and ethnic studies. 

Her current research project on the Japanese American incarceration can be found here:  https://scalar.chapman.edu/scalar/internment-exhibit-test-book/index

Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications

2023 Takaragawa, Stephanie with Melanie Rutledge, Javari Hunt and Ashley Lee. "Performance, Play, and Resistance: Teaching and Learning at the Happiest Place on Earth," in The Routledge Companion to the Anthropology of Performance. Edited by Lauren Miller and David Syring. New York and London: Routledge Press. Pps: 456-471.
2021 Smith, Trudi Lynn, Kate Hennessy, Stephanie Takaragawa, Fiona MacDonald and Craig Campbell. “Ethnographic Terminalia: Co-Curation and the Role of the Anecdote in Practice,” in Collaborative Anthropology Today. Edited by Dominic Boyer and George Marcus. Cornell University Press
2020 Takaragawa, Stephanie. “History of Society for Visual Anthropology.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Anthropology. Ed. John Jackson. New York: Oxford University Press.
2019 Takaragawa, Stephanie, Trudi Lynn Smith, Fiona MacDonald, Kate Hennessy, and Craig Campbell. “Ethnographic Terminalia: co-curation and the role of the anecdote in practice,” in Roger Sansi (ed.) The Anthropologist as Curator. 97-113. London, New York, Oxford, New Delhi and Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic.
2019. Takaragawa, S., Lynn-Smith, T., Hennessy, K., Alvarez, Patricia, Chio, J, Nye, C., and Shankar, S. “Bad Habitus: Anthropology in the Age of the Multimodal,” American Anthropologist 121(2):517-524.
2017 Takaragawa, S. and L. Halloran (2017). "Exploring the Links of Contemporary Art and Anthropology: Archiving Epistemologies." Critical Arts 31(2): 127-139.
2017 Takaragawa, Stephanie and Cymene Howe. “Failure.” (2017, July 27). Cultural Anthropology online, series on Collaborative Analytics. https://culanth.org/fieldsights/1174-failure
2017 Howe, Cymene and Stephanie Takaragawa. “Surprise” (2017, July 27). Cultural Anthropology online, series on Collaborative Analytics.
2015 Aeolian Politics (as part of Ethnographic Terminalia exhibition) Emmanuel Gallery, Denver, Co.
2015 Takaragawa, Stephanie. Not for Sale: How WWII Artifacts Mobilized Japanese-Americans Online. Anthropology Now 7(3) : 94-105.
2015 Campbell, C., Hennessy, K., McDonald, F., Miller, T., Smith, T and Takaragawa, S. After the Bureau of Memories: Reflections on curating at the Intersections of Archives, Art and Anthropology. Mnemoscape 2.
2014 Ethnographic Terminalia Exhibition: The Bureau of Memories: Archives and Ephemera. Hierarchy Gallery. Washington D.C.
Stephanie Takaragawa. Book review: Arnd Scheinder and Christopher Wright (eds.) ‘Between Art and Anthropology.’ Visual Anthropology 26(1).
Ethnographic Terminalia Presents: Zoe Bray. American Museum of Natural History. New York.
Workshop as Residency. (as part of Ethnographic Terminalia curatorial collective) Arts Incubator. Chicago, Il
Craig Campbell, Kate Hennessy, Fiona P McDonald, Trudi Lynn Smith, Stephanie Takaragawa. Thinking Through Collaboration. Anthropology News. October 2013.
The Audible Observatory (Ethnographic Terminalia exhibition) SOMArts, San Francisco lead curator
Stephanie Takaragawa and Victoria Carty. “The 2008 U.S. Presidential Election and New Digital Technologies: Political Campaigns as Social Movements and the Significance of Collective Identity.” Tamara: Journal for Organizational Inquiry 10(4): 73-89.
Ethnographic Terminalia, Eastern Bloc Gallery, Montreal, Canada Organizational Team
Kate Hennessy, Fiona P. MacDonald, Trudi Lynn Smith and Stephanie Takaragawa. “Ethnographic Terminalia 2010: 27 Works” Visual Anthropology Review 27(1): 57-73.
Maria Brodine, Craig Campbell, Kate Hennessy, Fiona P. MacDonald, Trudi Lynn Smith and Stephanie Takaragawa. “Ethnographic Terminalia: An Introduction” Visual Anthropology Review 27(1): 49-51.
Ethnographic Terminalia, DuMois Gallery and Barrister's Gallery, New Orleans, LA Curatorial Collective
Ethnographic Terminalia, Crane Arts, Philadelphia, PA Organizational Team