Dr. Michelle Miller-Day

Dr. Michelle Miller-Day

Professor Director, Health and Strategic Communication Program
Graduate Director
School of Communication; Communication Studies
Expertise: Mother-Daughter Communication; Drug Prevention; Family Communication; Narratives in Health; Translational Research;
Office Location: Doti Hall 213
Office Hours: T/W 1 - 3 pm
Phone: (714) 516-4686
Scholarly Works:
Digital Commons
University of Southern California, Bachelor of Arts
Arizona State University, Master of Arts
University of Southern California, Master of Fine Arts
Arizona State University, Ph.D.


Michelle Miller-Day (Ph.D., Arizona State University) is a Professor of Communication Studies at Chapman University in Orange, California. Dr. Miller-Day’s research is at the intersection of interpersonal and family communication and health communication. She is particularly interested in the topics of mental health, submissive communication, and substance use prevention.

Dr. Miller-Day and colleagues developed one of the most successful evidence-based substance use prevention programs in the United States and reaches more than two million youth worldwide. She has also served as Principal Investigator (PI) and Co-PI on a number of research grants to investigate or evaluate programs addressing issues at the intersection of health and communication and she has published numerous peer-reviewed articles, books, and chapters in a variety of outlets.

A sampling of Miller-Day publications:


  • Alford, A. & Miller-Day, M. (Eds.) (2019). Constructing motherhood and daughterhood across the lifespan. New York, NY: Peter Lang.
  • Miller-Day, M. (Ed.) (2010). Family communication, connections, and health transitions: Going through this together.  Health Communication Series, Vol. 1. G. Kreps (series editor). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
  • Nussbaum, J., Miller-Day, M., & Fisher, C. (2009). Communicating intimacy in older adulthood. Editorial Aresta Publishers.
  • Nussbaum, J.F., Miller-Day, M. & Fisher, C. (2009). Les relacions intimes en la madursa.  Girona, Spain: Editorial Aresta.
  • Miller-Day, M. (2004). Communication among grandmothers, mothers, and adult daughters: A qualitative study of women across three generations. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishing.
  • Miller, M., Alberts, J. K., Hecht, M. L., Trost, M., & Krizek, R. L. (2000).  Adolescent relationships and drug use. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishing.

Sampling of book chapters

Miller-Day, M., Ray, A. E., Hecht, M.L., & Turissi, R. (2022). Strengthening Families through Web-Based Interventions: Developing and Assessing Feasibility of the “Parenting Now!” Program. In M. R. McGinley, J. K.

Burk, J.S. Ward (Eds.) Communicating with our Families: Technology as Continuity, Interruption, and Transformation. Lexington.

Miller-Day, M., & Hecht, M. L. (2022). Keepin’ it REAL when Developing Narrative Health Messages (pp. 149-164). In A. Goodboy and K. Schultz (Eds.), Introduction to Communication Studies: Translating Scholarship into Meaningful Practice. 2nd edition. Kendall/Hunt.

Miller-Day, M. (2021). At the crossroads of prevention: Promoting child and adolescent health. In T. Socha and N. Punyanunt-Carter (Eds.). Communication begins with children: A lifespan communication sourcebook (p. 279-298). Oxford: Peter Lang International.

Miller-Day, M., Hecht, M. L., & Pettigrew, J. (2020). “It’s a process”: Designing the “keepin’ it REAL” adolescent substance use prevention intervention (pp.). In M. Feinberg (Ed.) Designing Effective Prevention and Public Health Programs. New York: Taylor & Francis.

Miller-Day, M. (2019). Memorable moments: Turning points in the mother-daughter relationship from childhood to mid-life. In A. Alford and M. Miller-Day (Eds). Constructing motherhood and daughterhood across the lifespan. New York, NY: Peter Lang.

Shin, Y., Miller-Day, M., & Hecht, M. L. (2018). Media literacy and parent-adolescent communication about alcohol in media: Effects on adolescent alcohol use. In D. O’Hair (Ed.). Risk and health communication in an evolving media environment (pp. 12-21). New York, NY: Routledge.

Miller-Day, M. (2018). Necessary Convergence Communication Theory: Submission and power in family communication (221-232). In. D. O. Braithwaite, E. A. Suter, and K. Floyd (Eds.) Engaging theories in family communication: Multiple perspectives (2nd edition). New York, NY: Routledge.

Miller-Day, M., Dorros, S., and Day, D. (2016) The Impact of Maternal and Paternal Communication Dominance on Offspring’s Negative Self-Talk, Depression, and Suicidality (p. 27-47). In L. Olson and M. Fine (Eds.) The Darker Side of Family Communication: The Harmful, the Morally Suspect, and the Socially Inappropriate. New York, NY: Peter Lang.

Miller-Day, M. (2016). Connecting substance use and health with personal stories. In J. Yamasaki, P. Geist Martin, & B. F. Sharf (Eds.), Storied health and illness: Personal, cultural, and political complexities (pp. 18-21). Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press.

Sparks, L., & Miller-Day, M. (2014). Methodological approaches when investigating health disparities. In B. B. Whaley (ed.), Research methods in health communication: Principles and application (pp. 318-335). New York, NY: Routledge.

Miller-Day, M., Fisher, C. L., & Stube, J. (2013). Looking back and moving forward: Toward an understanding of mother-daughter and mother-son relationships (p. 1-18). In K. Floyd and M. Morman (Eds.) Widening the family circle II: New research on family communication. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Miller-Day, M., Nussbaum, J., & Fisher, C. (2012). “Holding each other all night long”: Communicating intimacy in older adulthood. In T. Socha and M. J. Pitts (Eds). The Positive Side of Communication. Peter Lang Publishing.

Miller-Day, M. (2013). Two of me: Mothers and daughters in connection. In A. Deakins, R. Lockridge, and H. Sterk (Eds.), Mothers and daughters: Complicated connections across cultures (pp.89-104). Lanham, MD: Rowan and Littlefield Publishers

Miller-Day, M., & Hecht, M. L. (2013). Keepin’ it REAL when Developing Narrative Health Messages (pp. 149-164). In A. Goodboy and K. Schultz (Eds.), Introduction to Communication Studies: Translating Scholarship into Meaningful Practice. Kendall/Hunt.

Fisher, C, Miller-Day, M. & Nussbaum, J. (2012). Healing through Healthy Doses of Positivity: Mothers’ and Daughters’ Positive Communication When Coping with Breast Cancer. In T. Socha and M. J. Pitts (Eds). Positive Communication in Health and Wellness. Peter Lang Publishing

Miller-Day, M. (2012). Toward conciliation: Institutional review board practices and qualitative interview research (p. 495 – 508). In J. F. Gubrium, J. A. Holstein, A. B. Marvasti, and K. D. McKinney (Eds.),The SAGE handbook of interview research: The complexity of the craft. Los Angeles, CA: Sage.

Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications

Raja, N., Miller-Day, M., & Day, E. (2023). Call this number. MERS Publications. (Play)
Craw, E., & Miller-Day, M. (2023). The role of organizational messages about mental health in disclosure and support-seeking decisions among first responders: A qualitative investigation. Western Journal of Communication, 1-27. https://doi.org/10.1080/10570314.2023.2262429
Youngju Shin, Michelle Miller-Day, Jonathan Pettigrew & Michael L. Hecht (2023): Does narrative quality matter during implementation of a school-based prevention intervention? A test of Narrative Engagement Theory. Journal of Health Communication, 28(8), 526–538. https://doi.org/10.1080/10810730.2023.2231886
Rey, R. T., Miller-Day, M., Craw, E. S., Buckley, T. M., Wozniak, T. R., Hopfer, S. (2023). Engagement with and persuasiveness of HPV vaccination promotion videos: An examination of narrative engagement theory. Atlantic Journal of Communication. https://doi.org/10.1080/15456870.2023.2298858
Live Performance Role: Marie, Play: "Such Small Hands" (2020) by Adam Szymkowicz. Location: Chance Theater
Alford, A. & Miller-Day, M. (Hosts). (2023, September 24). Resourcing your relationship: Daughtering from a place of provision. A discussion with Kat Foster (Season 2, No. 1). [Audio podcast episode]. In Hello Mother, Hello Daughter. MERS. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/season-two-episode-1-resourcing-your-relationship-daughtering/id1646886197?i=1000629021634
Miller-Day, M. & Alford, A. (Hosts). (2023, October 1). Communicating with narcissistic moms. A discussion with Dr. Karyl McBride (Season 2, No. 2). In Hello Mother, Hello Daughter. MERS. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/season-two-episode-2-communicating-with-narcissistic/ id1646886197?i=1000629836491
Alford, A. & Miller-Day, M. (Hosts). (2023, October 8). Rubber bands and baking with hands: Doing family as an art and science. A discussion with Dr. Sandra Faulkner. In Hello Mother, Hello Daughter. MERS. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/season-two-episode-3-rubber-bands-and-baking-with/id1646886197?i=1000630635604
Miller-Day, M. & Alford, A. (Hosts). (2023, October 15). Tales from the bridal salon. A discussion with Emily Lappi. In Hello Mother, Hello Daughter. MERS. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/season-two-episode-4-tales-from-the-bridal-salon/id1646886197?i=1000631412717
Alford, A. & Miller-Day, M. (Hosts). (2023, October 22). "I'm not dismissed!" Daughtering as an analytical framework in the Black feminist tradition. A discussion with Leah and Dr. Mildred Boveda. In Hello Mother, Hello Daughter. MERS. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hello-mother-hello-daughter/id1646886197
Miller-Day, M., & Hecht, M. L. (2022). Keepin’ it REAL when Developing Narrative Health Messages (pp. 149-164). In A. Goodboy and K. Schultz (Eds.), Introduction to Communication Studies: Translating Scholarship into Meaningful Practice. 2nd edition. Kendall/Hunt.
Miller-Day. M., Ray, A.E., Hecht, M.L., & Turrisi, R. (2022). Strengthening families through web-based interventions: Developing and assessing the feasibility of the Parenting Now intervention (p 203-226). In M.R. McGinley, J.K. Burke, and J.S. Ward (Eds.) Communicating with our families: Technology as continuity, interruption, and transformation. Rowman & Littlefield.
Choi, H. J., Miller-Day, M., Hecht, M., Glenn, S. D., Lyons, R. E., & Greene, K. (2022). A snapshot of parenting practices useful for preventing adolescent vaping. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 15, 100418.
Choi, H.J., Hecht, M.L., Pezalla, A., Miller-Day, M. (2022). Delinquency behaviors and substance use of youth exposed to the keepin’ it REAL substance use prevention program. Advances in Preventive Medicine and Health Care, 4, 1033. www.doi.org/10.29011/2688-996X.001033
Craw, E. S., Buckley, T. M., & Miller-Day, M. (2022). “This Isn’t Just Busy, This is Scary”: Stress, Social Support, and Coping Experiences of Frontline Nurses During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Health Communication, 1-11. DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2022.2051270
Miller-Day, M., Craw, E., Harris, D., & Hecht, M. L. (2022). Men’s stories: an account of translating vaccine decision narratives from young men in the US into a targeted public health intervention. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 51,1-19.
Pezalla, A. E., Choi, H., McKee, F., Miller-Day, M., & Hecht, M. (2022). The Student Athlete Wellness Portal: Translating Student Athletes’ Prescription Opioid Use Narratives into a Targeted Public Health Intervention. Medicina, 58(11), 1642.
Leader, A. E., Miller-Day, M., Rey, R. T., Selvan, P., Pezalla, A. E., & Hecht, M. L. (2022). The impact of HPV vaccine narratives on social media: Testing narrative engagement theory with a diverse sample of young adults. Preventive Medicine Reports, 29, 101920.
Hecht, M. L., BeLue, R., Ray, A., Hopfer, S., Miller-Day, M., & Mckee, F. (2022). HPV vaccine intent among adult women receiving care at community health centers. Journal of Cancer Education, 37(4), 1186-1193.
Alford, A. & Miller-Day, M. (Hosts). (2022, September 25). Daughtering Matters in the Mother-Daughter relationship (No. 1) [Audio podcast episode]. In Hello Mother, Hello Daughter. MERS. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-1-daughtering-matters-in-the-mother-daughter/id1646886197?i=1000580576590
Alford, A. & Miller-Day, M. (Hosts). (2022, October 9). Memorable Moments & Turning Points in the Mother-Daughter relationship (No. 2) [Audio podcast episode]. In Hello Mother, Hello Daughter. MERS. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-2-memorable-moments-turning-points-in-the/id1646886197?i=1000582036699
Alford, A. & Miller-Day, M. (Hosts). (2022, October 23). “Cherry Lane”: A conversation about maintaining connection in the Mother-Daughter relationship (No. 3) [Audio podcast episode]. In Hello Mother, Hello Daughter. MERS.https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-3-cherry-lane-a-conversation-about/id1646886197?i=1000583553087
Alford, A. & Miller-Day, M. (Hosts). (2022, November 6). Family Secrets: Why we tell them and what that means (No. 4) [Audio podcast episode]. In Hello Mother, Hello Daughter. MERS. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-4-family-secrets-why-we-tell-them-and-what-that-means/id1646886197?i=1000585245018
Alford, A. & Miller-Day, M. (Hosts). (2022, December 22). Why adding "Daughtering" to our language is important (No. 5) [Audio podcast episode]. In Hello Mother, Hello Daughter. MERS.https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-5-why-adding-daughtering-to-our-language-is/id1646886197?i=1000590695579
Turissi, R., Ray, A., Hecht, M.L., & Miller-Day, M. (2021) (Developers). REAL Parenting Talk. [Ten online, self-paced e- learning modules commissioned by the National Institutes of Health to enhance to enhance parent-teen communication about alcohol use and prevent misuse for older teens].
Hecht, M.L., Greene, K. Ray, A., Pristavec, T., Miller-Day, M. & Banerjee, S. C. (2021). Comparing self-report, observational, and program analytic data as measures of engagement in an online learning, active involvement intervention to reduce substance use among adolescents. Educational Technology Research and Development.
Ray, A. E., Greene, K., Pristavec, T., Miller-Day, M. A., Banerjee, S. C., & Hecht, M. L. (2021). Exploring indicators of engagement in online learning as applied to adolescent health prevention: A pilot study of REAL media. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68(6), 3143-3163. doi: 10.1007/s11423-020-09813-1
Miller-Day, M. (2020). At the Crossroads of Prevention: Promoting Children’s and Adolescent’s Health. In Punyanunt-Carter, X and Socha, T. (Eds.) Communication Begins with Children. Peter Lang.
Miller-Day, M., Hecht, M. L., & Pettigrew, J. (2020). “It’s a process”: Designing the “keepin’ it REAL” adolescent substance use prevention intervention (pp.). In M. Feinberg (Ed.) Designing Effective Prevention and Public Health Programs. New York: Taylor & Francis.
Greene, K., Ray, A., Hecht, M.L., Miller-Day, M. (2020) (Developers). REAL Media-O: REAL Media education on Opioids. [Five online, self-paced e- learning modules commissioned by the National Institutes of Health to enhance media literacy surrounding pain medication marketing].
Miller-Day, M., (Writer/Producer) & Hecht, M.L. (Producer) (2020). HPV Men’s Stories. [4 short films addressing HPV vaccination for young men. Commissioned by Merck to prevention HPV infection for young men.]
Ray, A. E., Greene, K., Pristavec, T., Miller-Day, M. A., Banerjee, S. C., & Hecht, M. L. (2020). Exploring indicators of engagement in online learning as applied to adolescent health prevention: A pilot study of REAL media. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68(6), 3143-3163. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-020-09813-1
Miller-Day, M. (2019). Memorable moments: Turning points in the mother-daughter relationship from childhood to mid-life. In A. Alford and M. Miller-Day (Eds) Constructing motherhood and daughterhood across the lifespan (pp. 75-93). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Miller-Day, M. (2019). A mother-daughter communication course guide. In A. Alford and M. Miller-Day (Eds). Constructing motherhood and daughterhood across the lifespan (pp.365-358). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Miller-Day, M., & Grainger, D. (2019). Motherless daughters and the communication of grief and comfort. In A. Alford and M. Miller-Day (Eds). Constructing motherhood and daughterhood across the lifespan (pp.295-310). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Miller-Day, M., Tukachinsky, R., & Jacobs, S. (2019). Reel mothers and daughters. In A. Alford and M. Miller-Day (Eds). Constructing motherhood and daughterhood across the lifespan (p. 57-74). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Alford, A. M. & Miller-Day, M. (2019). Constructing motherhood and daughterhood across the lifespan. New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Miller-Day, M. (Producer). Millar, H. (Director) (2019). Keepin’ it REAL: Refuse, Explain, Avoid, and Leave. Los Angeles: Millar Media
Miller-Day, M. (Producer). McKee, B. (Director). Student stories. Los Angeles: MERS Productions
Ray, A. E., Greene, K., Hecht, M. L., Barriage, S. C., Miller-Day, M., Glenn, S. D., & Banerjee, S. C. (2019). An e-learning adaptation of an evidence-based media literacy curriculum to prevent youth substance use in community groups: Development and feasibility of REAL media. Journal of Medical Internet Research: Formative Research, 3(2). doi:10.2196/12132
Ray, A. E., Greene, K., Hecht, M. L., Barriage, S. C., Miller-Day, M., Glenn, S. D., & Banerjee, S. C. (2019). An e-learning adaptation of an evidence-based media literacy curriculum to prevent youth substance use in community groups: Development and feasibility of REAL media. Journal of Medical Internet Research: Formative Research, 3(2). doi:10.2196/12132
Shin, Y.J., Miller-Day, M., & Hecht, M. (2018) Media literacy and parent-adolescent communication about alcohol in media: Effects on adolescent alcohol use (pp.12-21). In D. O’Hair (Ed.) Risk and Health Communication in an Evolving Media Environment. Routledge.
Miller-Day, M. (2018). Necessary Convergence Communication Theory: Submission and power in family communication (221-232). In. D. O. Braithwaite, E. A. Suter, and K. Floyd (Eds.) Engaging theories in family communication: Multiple perspectives (2nd edition). New York, NY: Routledge.
Hecht, M. L., Shin, Y., Pettigrew, J., Miller-Day, M., & Krieger, J. L. (2018). Designed cultural adaptation and delivery quality in rural substance use prevention: an effectiveness trial for the Keepin’it REAL curriculum. Prevention Science, 19(8), 1008-1018.
Hopfer, S., Ray, A. E., Hecht, M. L., Miller-Day, M., Belue, R., Zimet, G., Evans, W. D., McKee, F. X. (in press). Taking an HPV vaccine research tested intervention to scale in a clinical setting. Translational Behavioral Medicine.
Shin, Y., Miller-Day, M., & Hecht, M. L. (2018). Differential effects of parental “drug talk” styles and family communication environments on adolescent substance use. Health Communication, 1-9. doi:10.1080/10410236.2018.1439268
Shin, Y., Pettigrew, J., Miller-Day, M., Hecht, M. L., & Krieger, J. L. (2018). Trends of parent-adolescent drug talk styles in early adolescence. Health Communication, 1-10. doi:10.1080/10410236.2018.1437522
Pettigrew, J., Miller-Day, M., Shin, Y., Krieger, J. L., Hecht, M. L., & Graham, J. W. (2018). Parental messages about substances in early adolescence: Extending a model of drug talk styles. Health Communication, 33, 349-358. doi:10.1080/10410236.2017.1283565
Miller-Day, M. (Producer/Editor), Ahle, A (Writer) (2018). Lost and Found [Stageplay]. Produced at the Chance Theatre.
Hecht, M. L., & Miller-Day, M. (2017) “keepin' It REAL": A case history of a drug prevention intervention. In R. Parrott (Ed.) The Encyclopedia of Health and Risk Message Design and Processing. Los Angeles, CA: Sage.
Miller-Day, M. (2017) Family Communication. In Jon Nussbaum (Ed.) Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. New York: Oxford University Press.
Greene, K., Ray, A., Hecht, M.L., Miller-Day, M. (2017). REAL Media: Enhancing alcohol and tobacco media literacy curriculum [Five e-learning modules].
Miller-Day, M., Applequist, J., Zabokrtsky, K., Dalton, A., Kellom, K., Cronholm, P.F., & Gabbay, R. (2017). A tale of Four Practices: A comparative analysis of high- and low-performing Patient-Centered Medical Homes. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 31 (6), 630-646.
Day, L. E., Miller-Day, M., Hecht, M. L., & Fehmie, D. (2017). Coming to the new DARE: A preliminary test of the officer-taught elementary keepin'it REAL curriculum. Addictive Behaviors, 74, 67–73.
Shin, Y., Miller-Day, M., Hecht, M. L., & Krieger, J. (2017). Entertainment education videos as a persuasive tool for school-based substance use prevention intervention, keepin’ it REAL. Health Communication, 33 (7), 896-906. DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2017.1321163
Shin, Y., & Miller-Day, M. (2017). A longitudinal study of parental anti-substance-use socialization for early adolescents’ substance use behaviors. Communication Monographs, 84 (3), 277-297.
Choi, H. J., Miller-Day, M., Shin, Y., Hecht, M. L., Pettigrew, J., Krieger, J. L., ... & Graham, J. W. (2017). Parent prevention communication profiles and adolescent substance use: A latent profile analysis and growth curve model. Journal of Family Communication, 17(1), 15-32.
Kam, J., & Miller-Day, M. (2017). An introduction to the special issue on family communication and substance use prevention and intervention. Journal of Family Communication, 17(1), 1-14.
Applequist, J., Miller-Day, M., Cronholm, P. F., Gabbay, R. A., & Bowen, D. S. (2017). “In principle we have agreement, but in practice it is a bit more difficult” obtaining organizational buy-in to Patient-Centered Medical Home transformation. Qualitative Health Research, 27(6), 909-922.
Kam. J.A., & Miller-Day, M. (Eds) (2017). Journal of Family Communication: A special issue on family communication and substance use prevention and intervention. 17 (1).
Miller-Day, M., Dorros, S., and Day, D. (2016) The Impact of Maternal and Paternal Communication Dominance on Offspring’s Negative Self-Talk, Depression, and Suicidality (p. 27-47). In L. Olson and M. Fine (Eds.) The Darker Side of Family Communication: The Harmful, the Morally Suspect, and the Socially Inappropriate. New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Miller-Day, M. (Producer/Writer), & Rassulo, J. (Producer/Director). (2016). Celebrating Safely [Short Film]. United States: D.A.R.E. America and REAL Prevention.
Cronholm, P.F., Klusaritz, H., Nguyen, G.T., Kellom, K.S., Kearney, M., Miller-Day, M., Gabbay, R.A. (2016) Resident engagement with PCMH transformation. Family Medicine, 48(8), 603-618.
O’Donnell, A.J., Bogner, H.R., Kellom, K.S., Miller-Day, M., de Vries-McClintock, H.F., Gabbay, R.A., & Cronholm P.F. (2016). Stakeholder perspectives on changes in hypertension care under the Patient Centered Medical Home. Prevention of Chronic Disease, 13.
Temple, J. R., Choi, H. J., Elmquist, J., Hecht, M., Miller-Day, M., Stuart, G. L., ... & Wolford-Clevenger, C. (2016). Psychological abuse, mental health, and acceptance of dating violence among adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health.
Miller-Day, M., Dorros, S. & Day, L.E. (2015). The impact of maternal and paternal communication dominance on offspring’s negative self-talk, depression, and suicidality. In L. Olson and M. Fine (Eds.). The darker side of family communication: The harmful, the morally suspect, and the socially inappropriate. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
Miller-Day, M., Hecht, M. L., Krieger, J. L., Pettigrew, J., Shin, Y., & Graham, J. (2015). Teacher Narratives and Student Engagement Testing Narrative Engagement Theory in Drug Prevention Education. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, DOI: 0261927X15586429.
Norris, A. E., Pettigrew, J., Miller-Day, M., Hecht, M. L., Hutchison, J., & Campoe, K. (2014). Resisting Pressure From Peers to Engage in Sexual Behavior What Communication Strategies Do Early Adolescent Latino Girls Use? The Journal of Early Adolescence, 35 (4), 562-580 DOI: 0272431614544962.
Sparks, L., & Miller-Day, M. (2014). Methodological approaches when investigating health disparities. In B. B. Whaley (ed.), Research methods in health communication: Principles and application (pp. 318-335). New York, NY: Routledge.
Hecht, M.L. & Miller-Day, M. (2014). Narrative Engagement Theory. In T. Thompson (Ed.) The encyclopedia of health communication (p. 909-911). Los Angeles, CA: Sage.
Miller-Day, M. (2014). Mother Daughter Dyad Communication. In T. Thompson (Ed.) The encyclopedia of health communication (p. 893-896). Los Angeles, CA: Sage.
Cronholm, P. F., Miller-Day, M., & Gabbay, R. (2014). Evaluating a Multipayer Medical Home Intervention. Journal of the American Medical Association, 312(4), 435. doi:10.1001/jama.2014.7143
Shin, Y., Miller-Day, M., Pettigrew, J., Hecht, M. L., & Krieger, J. L. (2014). Typology of delivery quality: latent profile analysis of teacher engagement and delivery techniques in a school-based prevention intervention, keepin’it REAL curriculum. Health Education Research, 29(6), 897-905.
Ebersole, D.S., Miller-Day, M., & Krieger, J. (2014). Do actions speak louder than words?: Adolescent interpretations of parental substance use. Journal of Family Communication, 14 (4), 328-351.
Bleser, W. K., Miller-Day, M., Naughton, D., Bricker, P. L., Cronholm, P. F., & Gabbay, R. A. (2014). Strategies for achieving whole-practice engagement and buy-in to the patient-centered medical home.The Annals of Family Medicine, 12(1), 37-45.
Stuckey, H. L., Kraschnewski, J. L., Miller-Day, M., Palm, K., Larosa, C., & Sciamanna, C. (2014). “Weighing” Two Qualitative Methods Self-report Interviews and Direct Observations of Participant Food Choices. Field Methods, 1525822X14526543.
Graham, J. W., Pettigrew, J., Miller-Day, M., Krieger, J. L., Zhou, J., & Hecht, M. L. (2014). Random assignment of schools to groups in the drug resistance strategies rural project: some new methodological twists. Prevention Science, 1-10.
Pettigrew, J., Graham, J. W., Miller-Day, M., Hecht, M. L., Krieger, J. L., & Shin, Y. J. (2014). Adherence and Delivery: Implementation Quality and Program Outcomes for the Seventh-Grade keepin’it REAL Program. Prevention Science, 1-10.
Raja, N., Miller-Day, M., & Day, L.E. (2014) (Writers/Producers). Call This Number. Produced January, 2014.
Miller-Day, M., Fisher, C. L., & Stube, J. (2013). Looking back and moving forward: Toward an understanding of mother-daughter and mother-son relationships. In K. Floyd and M. Morman (Eds.) Widening the family circle II: New research on family communication. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Miller-Day, M., Nussbaum, J., & Fisher, C. (2013). “Holding each other all night long”: Communicating intimacy in older adulthood. In T. Socha and M. J. Pitts (Eds). The Positive Side of Communication. Peter Lang Publishing.
Miller-Day, M. (2013). Two of me: Mothers and daughters in connection. In A. Deakins, R. Lockridge, and H. Sterk (Eds.), Mothers and daughters: Complicated connections across cultures (pp.89-104). Lanham, MD: Rowan and Littlefield Publishers
Michael L. Hecht, Frank Pegueros, Michelle Miller-Day, Scott Gilliam, Bobby Robinson, Anita Bryan, Benita Cahalane, Margaret Colby, Allison Kootsikas, Karen Simon, Sunam Ellis, Jolene Cassa-Granier, Randy J. Wiler. (2013). D.A.R.E’s keepin it REAL 5th grade drug prevention curriculum instructor manual. D.A.R.E. America and D.A.R.E. International Publishers.
Michael L. Hecht, Frank Pegueros, Michelle Miller-Day, Scott Gilliam, Bobby Robinson, Anita Bryan, Benita Cahalane, Margaret Colby, Allison Kootsikas, Karen Simon, Sunam Ellis, Jolene Cassa-Granier, Randy J. Wiler. (2013). D.A.R.E’s keepin it REAL 5th grade drug prevention curriculum. D.A.R.E. America and D.A.R.E. International Publishers.
Miller-Day, M., Conway, J. J., Hecht, M. L. (2013). REAL adventures of a very strange day. Drug prevention comic. Los Angeles, CA: D.A.R.E. Catalog.
Cronholm, P., Shea, J. A., Werner, R., Miller-Day, M., Tufano, J., Crabtree, B. F., & Gabbay, R. (2013). The Patient Centered Medical Home: Mental Models and Practice Culture Driving the Transformation Process. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 28 (9), 1195-1201.
Graham, J.W., Pettigrew, J., Miller-Day, M., Krieger, J.L., Zhou, J, & Hecht, M.L. (2013). Random assignment of schools to groups in the Drug Resistance Strategies Rural Project: Some new methodological twists. Prevention Science. DOI 10.1007/s11121-013-0403-9
Miller-Day, M., Pettigrew, J., Hecht, M., Shin, Y., Graham, J., & Krieger, J. (2013). How prevention curricula are taught under real-world conditions: Types of and reasons for teacher adaptations. Health Education, 113 (4), 324-344.
Shin, Y., Lee, J. K., Miller-Day, M. (2013). The effect of maternal emotional well-being on mother-adolescent communication and youth emotional wellbeing. Communication Research Reports, 30(2), 1-11. DOI: 10.1080/08824096.2012.763025
Miller-Day, M., Pezalla, A., & Chestnut, R. (2013). Children are in families too!: The presence of children in communication research. Journal of Family Communication, 13(2), 150-165.
Pettigrew, J., Miller-Day, M., Shin, Y., Hecht, M. L., Krieger, J. L., & Graham, J. W. (2013) Describing teacher-student interactions: A qualitative assessment of teacher implementation of the 7th grade keepin’ it REAL substance use intervention. American Journal of Community Psychology, 51, 43-56. DOI: 10.1007/s10464-012-9539-1
Shin, Y., Lee, J. K., & Miller-Day, M. (2013). The effect of maternal emotional well-being on mother-adolescent communication and youth emotional well-being. Communication Research Reports, 30 (2), 1-11.
Colby, M., Hecht, M., Miller-Day, M., Krieger, J., Syvertsen, A., Graham, J., & Pettigrew, J. (2013). Adapting school-based substance use prevention curriculum through cultural grounding: An exemplar of adaptation processes for rural schools. American Journal of Community Psychology, 51, 190-205
Naughton, D., Adelman, A., Bricker, P., Miller-Day, M., & Gabbay, R. (2013). Envisioning new roles for medical assistants: Strategies from patient-centered medical homes. Family Practice Management, March/April.
Moreland, J., Krieger, J., Hecht, M.L., Miller-Day, M. (2013). The conceptualization and communication of risk among rural Appalachian adolescents. Journal of Health Communication: International Perspectives. DOI:10.1080/10810730.2012.74362
Gabbay, R. A., Friedberg, M. W., Miller-Day, M., Cronholm, P. F., Adelman, A., & Schneider, E. C. (2013). A positive deviance approach to understanding key features to improving diabetes care in the medical home. The Annals of Family Medicine, 11, S99-S107.
Miller-Day, M., & Hecht, M. L. (2013). Narrative means to preventative ends: A narrative engagement framework for designing prevention interventions. Health communication, 28(7), 657-670. DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2012.762861
Krieger, J. L., Coveleski, S., Hecht, M. L., Miller-Day, M., Graham, J. W., Pettigrew, J., & Kootsikas, A. (2013). From kids, through kids, to kids: Examining the social influence strategies used by adolescents to promote prevention among peers. Health communication, 28(7), 683-695.
Fisher, C, Miller-Day, M. & Nussbaum, J. (2012). Healing through Healthy Doses of Positivity: Mothers’ and Daughters’ Positive Communication When Coping with Breast Cancer. In T. Socha and M. J. Pitts (Eds). Positive Communication in Health and Wellness. Peter Lang Publishing
Miller-Day, M. (2012). Toward conciliation: IRB practices and qualitative interview research. In J. Gubrium, J. Holstein. A. Marvasti, & K. McKinney (Ed.) The Handbook of Interview Research (2nd edition).
Miller-Day, M., & Hecht, M. L. (2012). Keepin’ it REAL when Developing Narrative Health Messages (pp. 149-164). In A. Goodboy and K. Schultz (Eds.), Introduction to Communication Studies: Translating Scholarship into Meaningful Practice. Kendall/Hunt.
Hecht. M. L., Colby, M., Bryant, A., Miller-Day, M., et al. (2012). D.A.R.E’s keepin’ it REAL 7th grade drug prevention curriculum. D.A.R.E. America and D.A.R.E. International Publishers.
Hecht. M. L., Colby, M., Bryant, A., Miller-Day, M., et al. (2012). D.A.R.E’s keepin’ it REAL 7th grade drug Instructor manual. D.A.R.E. America and D.A.R.E. International Publishers.
Miller-Day, M., & Walker- Jackson, A. (2012). The Convergence Communication Scale (CCS): Development and evaluation of an interpersonal submission assessment. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 29, 1036-1057.
Pettigrew, J., Miller-Day, M., Krieger, J., & Hecht, M. L. (2012). The Rural context of illicit substance offers: A study of Appalachian rural adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Research, 27, 523-550.
Miller-Day, M. (2012). “Your kids or your job”: Navigating low wage work and parenting in contexts of poverty. Qualitative Communication Research, 1, 7-36.
Pezalla, A. E., Pettigrew, J., & Miller-Day, M. (2012). Researching the researcher-as-instrument. Qualitative Research, 12, 165-185. DOI: 10.1177/1468794111422107
Miller-Day, M. (Ed.) (2011). Family communication, connections, and health transitions: Going through this together. Health Communication Series, Vol. 1. G. Kreps (series editor). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Miller-Day, M., & Hecht. M.L. (2011) (Producers). DARE’s keepin it REAL videos: 5th Grade. Eighteen video productions for curriculum.
Pettigrew, J., Miller-Day, M., Hecht, M.L., & Krieger, J. (2011). Alcohol and other drug resistance strategies employed by rural adolescents. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 103-122. DOI:10.1080/00909882.2011.556139
Lee, J. K., Hecht, M. L., Miller-Day, M., & Elek, E. (2011). Evaluating mediated perception of narrative health messages: The perception of narrative performance scale. Communication Methods and Measures, 5(2), 126-145. DOI: 10.1080/19312458.2011.568374
Stuckey, H. L., Boan, J., Kraschnewski, J. L., Miller-Day, M., Lehman, E. B., & Sciamanna (2011). Using positive deviance for determining successful weight-control practices. Qualitative Health Research, 563-579. doi: 10.1177/1049732310386623
Hecht, M. L., & Miller-Day, M. (2010). “Applied” aspects of the Drug Resistance Strategies Project, Special Issue of the Journal of Applied Communication Research, 38(3), 215 - 229. DOI: 10.1080/00909882.2010.490848; NIH MS209280
Hecht, M.L., Colby, M., & Miller-Day, M. (2010). The Dissemination of keepin' it REAL through D.A.R.E. America: A lesson in disseminating health messages. Health Communication, 25, 585-586.
Miller-Day, M., & Kam, J. (2010). More than just openness: Developing and validating a measure of targeted parent-child communication about alcohol. Health Communication, 25 (4), 293 - 302. DOI: 10.1080/10410231003698952
Wenrich, T., Browne, L., & Miller-Day, M. (2010). Family members' influence on family meal vegetable choices. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 43 (4), 225-234