Dr. Kent Lehnhof

Dr. Kent Lehnhof

Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences; Department of English
Office Location: Smith Hall 08-E
Office Hours: Fridays from 10am to 12pm, and by appointment.
Phone: (714) 628-2746
Scholarly Works:
Digital Commons
First-year Foundations Program
Brigham Young University, Bachelor of Arts
Duke University, Ph.D.


Kent Lehnhof earned a BA from Brigham Young University and a PhD from Duke University. He has been teaching at Chapman since 2004, where he specializes in early modern literature, with a particular emphasis on Renaissance drama and questions of gender. His essays on Sidney, Spenser, Shakespeare, and Milton have appeared in several edited collections as well as in such journals as ELRELHSELModern Philology, Renaissance Drama, Shakespeare Bulletin, Milton QuarterlyMilton Studies, and Criticism. His most recent article--on twinship and marriage in The Comedy of Errors--will soon appear in SEL.

Dr. Lehnhof's past research projects have focused on (1) somatic experience in Paradise Lost; (2) intersections of antitheatricalism and antifeminism in early modern England; and (3) connections between Levinas and Shakespeare. At present, he is researching twinship in the Renaissance.

Dr. Lehnhof holds the rare distinction of having received the highest honor Chapman can bestow on a faculty member for excellence in scholarship (the Wang-Fradkin Professorship, which Dr. Lehnhof received in 2008) and the highest honor Chapman can bestow on a faculty member for excellence in teaching (the Outstanding Teaching Professorship, which Dr. Lehnhof received in 2013).

In alternating years, Dr. Lehnhof leads a summer travel course to London. The next iteration of ENG 355 (Theater in England) is slated for summer 2021.

Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications

"The Virtue of Humour in King Lear," in Shakespeare's Virtuous Theatre: Power, Capacity and the Good, ed. Kent Lehnhof, Julia Reinhard Lupton, and Carolyn Sale (Edinburgh UP, 2023), 127-47.
Shakespeare's Virtuous Theatre: Power, Capacity and the Good, ed. Kent Lehnhof, Julia Reinhard Lupton, and Carolyn Sale (Edinburgh UP, 2023).
"Bodies and Voices in Coriolanus," Renaissance Drama 50 (2022): 23-50.
"Twinship and Marriage in The Comedy of Errors," SEL 60 (2020): 277-98.
"Sweet Fooling: Ethical Humor in Lear and Levinas," Shakespeare Quarterly 71 (2020): 198-220.
"Abrahamic Allusions and Agrarianism in Wendell Berry's 'The Solemn Boy,'" Rocky Mountain Review 73 (2019): 42-55.
"Kinship and Twinship in Jacob and Esau," Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England 32 (2019): 115-41.
"Theology, Phenomenology, and the Divine in King Lear," in Of Levinas and Shakespeare: "To See Another Thus," ed. Moshe Gold and Sandor Goodhart with Kent Lehnhof (Purdue UP, 2018), 107-22.
Of Levinas and Shakespeare: "To See Another Thus," ed. Moshe Gold and Sandor Goodhart with Kent Lehnhof (Purdue UP, 2018).