Dr. Cristina Nistor

Dr. Cristina Nistor

Associate Professor, Clinical Faculty
The George L. Argyros College of Business and Economics
Economic Science Institute
Expertise: Industrial Organization; Game Theory; Empirical Analysis; Marketing Strategy; Pricing; Relational Contracts;
Office Location: Beckman Hall
Phone: 714-289-3118
Scholarly Works:
Digital Commons
Bryn Mawr College, Bachelor of Arts
Bryn Mawr College, Master of Arts
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ph.D.


Assistant Professor of Marketing, PhD, MIT Sloan. Dr. Nistor uses game theory models and empirical analysis to examine the impact industry features (such as relational contracts or certification experts) have on product quality. Her current research focuses on how firms develop and sustain strategic relationships in an industry. She won the 2011 Clayton Dissertation Proposal Competition, awarded by the Marketing Science Institute for the year's best dissertation proposal.

Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications

K Ataman, N Myhr, C Nistor (2023) "Disruptive Innovation as a Network Dilemma: A Conceptual Model", Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, Vol. 23, No. 2, 104–113.
Fudge Kamal, D., Nistor, C. and Sinha, C. (2023), "Coming out ahead while losing a partner: the Thoroughbred industry stays on course", Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 44 No. 6, pp. 327-334. https://doi.org/10.1108/JBS-04-2022-0069
Cooper, D.A., Yalcin, T., Nistor, C., Macrini, M. and Pehlivan, E. (2022), "Privacy considerations for online advertising: a stakeholder’s perspective to programmatic advertising", Journal of Consumer Marketing, Forthcoming 2022, https://doi.org/10.1108/JCM-04-2021-4577
Kara Bentley, Charlene Chu, Cristina Nistor, Ekin Pehlivan & Taylan Yalcin (2021) "Social media engagement for global influencers", Journal of Global Marketing, 34:3, 205-219, DOI: 10.1080/08911762.2021.1895403
Fudge Kamal, DK, Honoré, F, Nistor, C. "When the weak are mighty: A two-sided matching approach to alliance performance." Strat Mgmt J. (2021) 42: 917– 940. https://doi.org/10.1002/smj.3275
Cristina Nistor and Matthew Selove "Pricing and Quality Provision in a Supply Relationship: A Model of Efficient Relational Contracts", Marketing Science (2020) 39:5, 939-955
Yalcin, T., Nistor, C. and Pehlivan, E. (2020) “Sustainability Influencers: Between Marketers and Educators” Business Forum, Spring 2020, Vol. 28 Issue 1
Nistor, Cristina; Yalcin, Taylan; and Pehlivan, Ekin (2018) "Duplicity in Alternative Marketing Communications," Markets, Globalization & Development Review: Vol. 3: No. 2, Article 4. DOI: 10.23860/MGDR-2018-03-02-04 Available at: https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/mgdr/vol3/iss2/4