

Chapman's Office of Sustainability is dedicated to promoting sustainable practices on campus and within our community. Learn about current programs they are running. 

Regalia Reuse

The Regalia Reuse program offers a more sustainable option for graduating students to celebrate this milestone. Donated caps, gowns, and other regalia gear donated from past Chapman graduates are recycled and available for current graduating seniors to use during their graduation ceremony. Reuse of these items helps to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions by diverting them from landfills and cutting down on production of new regalia items. 

Are you a recent graduate looking to donate your regalia to our program? Please email sustainability@chapman.edu for details on how to donate. 

The reservation form for Spring 2024 graduates is now closed. The reservation form linked below is no longer active and will be opened again next Spring for 2025 graduates.

Drought Tolerant Landscaping

Chapman has added several drought-tolerant landscapes throughout our campus, and we continue to identify areas where we can add landscapes that highlight California native plants and welcome pollinators.

Weigh the Waste

Weigh the Waste was created as an educational program geared toward promoting post-consumer food waste reduction. During these events we collect uneaten food and drinks off students' plates during lunch before they leave the dining hall. After arranging the food onto trays, the Office of Sustainability calculates the weight of the discarded edible food waste. The trays are then put on display for the remainder of the day to spread awareness through a visual representation of the amount of food wasted in a single meal period.

Check back on our Instagram, @sustainchapman, for updates on when we'll be hosting our next Weigh the Waste event at Randall Dining Hall. 

Campus Race to Zero Waste

CampusRace2ZeroWaste (CR2ZW) is a program in partnership with the National Wildlife Federation to promote sustainability on college campuses. Chapman has participated in this competition in past years, recently winning an award in the Food Waste Reduction category for our Weigh the Waste program! As the University continues to participate in this program we hope to reduce more waste on campus and highlight more sustainable options for students, faculty, and the community.