• Teacher tutoring student.
Attallah College of Educational Studies

» Integrated Bachelor’s plus Master's Degree Programs

Application Deadline for Bachelor's to Master's Integrated Programs: February 1, 2025

Addressing the national demand for teachers who are culturally competent and knowledgeable in their content instruction, the Attallah College faculty has developed several innovative, integrated bachelor’s plus master's degree programs with teacher preparation.

The Integrated Pathways aim to develop transformative K-12 classroom educators who are highly skilled in instruction, technologically savvy, and knowledgeable in pedagogical theory, responding to our shared call to serve all students in today's schools. 

Admissions and Coursework

Bachelor’s degree students at Chapman may apply while undergraduates to begin master’s degree coursework in their junior or senior years. Up to 15 credits of graduate coursework may be taken while still an undergraduate, lowering the cost of the graduate program by up to 50%. 

For more information, visit Chapman's Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs, and access the Integrated Teacher Education Programs offerings below.

Bachelor's Degree to Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction

Bachelor's Degree to Master of Arts in Teaching

Bachelor's Degree to Master of Arts in Special Education

Bachelor's Degree to Master of Arts in Leadership Development


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Integrated Pathway Programs Testimonials

Junior IES major Maggie Gallardo

Maggie Gallardo '18

"The Integrated Program classes are student-centered, and the instructors challenged me to think critically about teaching methods and pedagogy. My cohort and I started putting theory into practice in my junior year by teaching mini-lessons at California Elementary and Yorba Middle Schools."

 Danielle Pomeroy MACI '18

Danielle Pomeroy '19

"The best part about the Integrated Program residency year is the residency itself. Being in a real classroom setting has been a mind-blowing experience for me. From day one I knew that I had made the right decision."

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